Terms and conditions

Please see our terms & conditions below, covering our full range of services.

1. Application

1.1. The following terms apply to all Orders of Services by you from Thirtyfour Creative Pty Ltd– ABN 82 667 572 698 (us, we, our, Thirtyfour Creative). Each Order is a separate agreement between you and us.

1.2. If we amend these terms, then you will be provided with a copy of the new terms and you may terminate your Orders if you do not agree to the new terms. If you continue instructing us to provide you with the Services after being provided with updated terms by us, you will be taken to have agreed to those new terms and they will be binding on you.

1.3. If you are not a natural person:

(a) You warrant that any person that places an Order on your behalf is authorised to do so and will also do so as agent for each of your related entities that use or access the Services; and

(b) You must procure that your Personnel comply with these terms and you take responsibility for the acts and omissions of your Personnel.

2. Quotes and Orders

2.1. We will provide you with a Quote which describes the Services that we will supply and the Fees we will charge.

2.2. Where Fees will be calculated based on Hourly Rates, we will provide you with an estimate of the total Fees payable by you.

2.3. Once accepted by you and us, a Quote becomes an Order under these terms. We may refuse to accept an Order (or part of it) on reasonable grounds.

2.4. If an Order includes any special conditions agreed by us, they will, unless stated otherwise take precedence over these terms and conditions.

2.5. If you provide us with new or additional instructions or information or undertake or omit to undertake any act which results in us being required to provide you with additional Services, we will provide you with a new Quote. If you do not accept the new Quote, then we will not be obliged to provide those additional Services.

3. Supply of Services

3.1. You agree that Thirtyfour Creative will supply the Services to you, and Thirtyfour Creative agrees to supply the Services to you, subject to these terms.

3.2. You agree that the Services may be supplied by our Personnel, related parties, subsidiaries and other associates of Thirtyfour Creative.

3.3. Where the Services to be supplied by us constitute Ongoing Services, you agree that:

(a) The Services must be supplied for the Minimum Term;

(b) The Minimum Term will be renewable by providing written confirmation within 7 days’ receipt by you of the Renewal Notice.

4. Fees and Payment Terms

4.1. You agree to pay the Fees to Thirtyfour Creative on the Payment Terms.

4.2. The Fees, Expenses and Third Party Charges are exclusive of GST and other taxes, duties, levies, except as otherwise provided.

4.3. Should you fail to make any payment to us as it falls due, we reserve the right to suspend the performance of the Services until that payment is paid or to terminate the Order on 7 days’ notice to you.

5. Expenses and Third-Party Charges

5.1. We will notify you of any anticipated Expenses and Third Party Charges in the Quote.

5.2. You must pay any and all Expenses invoiced to you by us.

5.3. You must reimburse us for any Expenses we pay on your behalf, unless otherwise notified by us.

5.4. We do not collect or pay for Third Party Charges on your behalf but instead, unless otherwise agreed, link the credit card nominated by you to our account with the relevant third party. We create an account specifically for you designated under our business account with the relevant third party. We will not provide access to any other person or entity to this account. In no circumstances will we work from any account you directly hold with the third party.

6. Cancellations and Terminations

6.1. Either party may terminate an Order for any reason by the provision of 30 days’ notice.

6.2. If you cancel an Order for any reason:

(a) We may demand you pay us any unpaid Expenses plus any amount reasonably incurred by us in relation to the Services and their termination;

(b) Services rendered, undertaken or completed by us and not yet invoiced to you will be provided to you and a final invoice will be issued to you to be paid in accordance with the Payment Terms;

(c) We will stop supplying or undertaking the Services; and

(d) You must pay and indemnify us in respect of any costs incurred by us in connection with or as a result of your cancellation (such as third party cancellation fees).

6.3. In addition to clause 6.2, if you terminate an Order for Ongoing Services other than as a result of our material breach of this agreement, we may charge you the Termination Fee, which you acknowledge and agree represents our genuine estimate of the costs and loss of profits we are likely to suffer as a result of your termination of the Ongoing Services.

7. Your Obligations

7.1. You must provide sufficient information with an Order (including any special requirements) to enable us to provide you with the Services.

7.2. You agree that you will provide all information or content requested by us in connection with our provision of the Services as required, including but not limited to business and marketing information, account information, Intellectual Property Rights and other access information and acknowledge and agree that your failure to do so may impede our ability to provide the Services.

7.3. You agree that you will inform us as soon as practicable upon any information provided by you to us being varied or updated, otherwise changed or no longer in its original form.

7.4. You agree that you will take any action reasonably requested by us in the provision of the Services and that you will take any action reasonably required to facilitate our due performance of the Services.

7.5. You warrant that all information you provide to us is correct and you have not omitted anything that is relevant to our provision of the Services. You acknowledge that our provision of the Services is contingent on correct and current information being provided by you.

8. Indemnity

8.1. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and in respect of any and all Loss where such Loss arose out of, or in connection with:

(a) Your acts or omissions;

(b) Your breach of these terms;

(c) Material provided by you in breach of the law, including laws relating to misleading deceptive conduct or false advertising under the Australian Consumer Law (unless advising on the applicability of these laws forms part of an Order); or

(d) Your use of the Services.

8.2. Each indemnity in this agreement is a continuing obligation, separate and independent from the other obligations of the parties and survives termination, completion and expiration of this agreement. It is not necessary for a party to incur expenses or make any payment before enforcing a right of indemnity conferred by this agreement. You must pay on demand any amount you must pay under an indemnity in this agreement.

9. Exclusion and Limitation of Liability

9.1. The Services will be performed with due care and skill and by adequately trained Personnel. However, we make no guarantee that the Services will be continuous or fault free, unless otherwise specified in a Quote.

9.2. Clause 9.1 does not exclude any implied warranty or statutory guarantee that cannot be excluded at law.

9.3. The Services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law and you are entitled to your choice of a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage; or our choice of having the Services refixed, repaired, replaced or refunded if failure does not amount to a major failure. We will do this within a reasonable time. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all other guarantees, warranties, undertakings and representations expressed or implied, whether arising by statute or otherwise, which are not given in these terms or any warranty document given at the time of supply.

9.4. Notwithstanding the above, we exclude liability for any Loss:

(a) Caused by you or to the extent it results from your failure to take reasonable steps to avoid or minimise that Loss;

(b) Caused by events falling outside our reasonable control;

(c) That is consequential loss or damage (including loss of actual or anticipated profits or revenue, economic loss of any kind or any loss suffered as a result of any claim or claims by third parties) in contract, (including negligence), under statute or otherwise from or in relation to the Services or this agreement;

(d) In connection with your failure to comply with laws relating to misleading deceptive conduct/false advertising under the Australian Consumer Law (unless advising on compliance with those laws forms part of the Order); or

(e) Caused by a breach or fundamental breach of contract by you.

9.5. Thirtyfour Creative makes no representation as to the fitness of the Services supplied by it for any purpose, other than a purpose that has been agreed by Thirtyfour Creative and you.

9.6. In all cases where liability cannot be excluded under law, the liability of Thirtyfour Creative is limited, to the following as determined by Thirtyfour Creative at its absolute discretion (where fair and reasonable to do so):

(a) A refund of the actual Fees paid by you to Thirtyfour Creative under the relevant Order prior to the date on which the liability first arose;

(b) Providing supply of the Services again; or

(c) Payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again.

10. Law and Jurisdiction

10.1. Subject to clause 11, any dispute arising under this agreement shall be governed by the laws of Victoria and Australian law and shall be determined exclusively by the courts of Victoria, Australia or by the court of our choice.

10.2. A reference to any law includes a statutory modification, substitution or re-enactment of it.

11. Dispute Resolution

11.1. If a dispute arises under these terms, the party claiming that a dispute has arisen must give notice to the other party specifying the nature of the dispute and the parties will attempt to negotiate a resolution in good faith.

11.2. If a dispute persists for more than 14 days, either party can refer the dispute to mediation before a mediator to be appointed by the Australian Commercial Disputes Centre. The costs of mediation will be shared by the parties equally.

11.3. Save for seeking urgent interlocutory or injunctive relief, neither party may issue court proceedings in relation to a dispute until resolution by mediation has been attempted.

11.4. If the Customer publishes or causes to be published any negative reviews, defamatory statements, or otherwise publicly comments on the Company’s services before notifying the Company of a dispute and allowing for the dispute resolution process outlined in 11.1 and 11.2, the Company reserves the right to cease all ongoing work. All payments made by the Customer will be considered non-refundable and deemed as final settlement for services provided up to that point.

12. Representations

By accepting the Services subject to the conditions in this agreement, you agree that you did not rely on any representation, promise, warranty or condition of Thirtyfour Creative or any of its Personnel not explicitly made (in writing) as part of this agreement.

13. Assignment

Neither party may assign this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

14. Severance and Waive

You agree that if any provision or part of any provision of this agreement is unenforceable, such unenforceability shall not affect the application of any other part of such provision or any other provision hereof. Further, should Thirtyfour Creative elect not to exercise any of its rights under this agreement, under any other contract/agreement or under law, such election shall not constitute a waiver of any rights relating to any other or subsequent breach by you.

15. Reasonable Care/Force Majeure

Neither party will be liable for any delay or failure in the performance of any obligation or the exercise of any right under these terms (other than an obligation to pay money due) or for any loss or damage if such performance or exercise is prevented or hindered in whole or in part by reason of an event beyond that party’s reasonable control.

16. Privacy

We commit to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Australian Privacy Principles and with our Privacy Policy available on our website at www.modernvisual.com.au/privacy-policy.

17. Intellectual Property

17.1. Any and all materials created by Thirtyfour Creative in providing the Services, including all associated Intellectual Property Rights, are the exclusive property of Thirtyfour Creative and/or our licensors, or authorised third parties.

17.2. Subject to clause 17.3, you will not acquire any rights, including but not limited to Intellectual Property Rights, in any materials created by Thirtyfour Creative in providing the Services, any materials created that are improvements on material provided to us by you, or any material or content previously created by us.

17.3. We grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable and non-sub-licensable licence to use the Intellectual Property Rights for the sole purpose of using the Services in the ordinary course of your business.

17.4. You must not remove, alter or obscure any Intellectual Property Rights used in the material provided as part of the Services. You must not use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast, claim or pass of as your own, or otherwise exploit the material provided in the Services, except to the extent required in connection with your use of the Services.

17.5. Thirtyfour Creative may agree with you to assign to you in full any or all Intellectual Property Rights created in providing the Services at a separate fee to be negotiated by the parties.

17.6. If you supply us with any content or Intellectual Property Rights in any form, you represent and warrant that you have the full rights to use (and have us use) the content in our provision to you of the Services.

17.7. You must indemnify and keep indemnified us from any third party claim in respect of the use of any content or Intellectual Property Rights provided to us by you.

18. Confidential Information

18.1. You must not disclose any information that you have obtained through your relationship and engagement with us and that we regard as confidential (including without limitation the Intellectual Property Rights created in our provision of the Services) except to the extent required in connection with your use of the Services or as otherwise required by law.

18.2. You acknowledge and agree that the we may, subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy, disclose to any person such details and information (including any confidential information) regarding you or any information provided to us by you, your use of the Services (or any other matter related or incidental to the Services), as we deem necessary or desirable in connection with the Services.

19. Third Parties

The Services may require us to use the services of third parties that are not under our control. We are not responsible for the content or work provided by third parties. You acknowledge that we are not responsible whatsoever should there be a failure by a third party to provide necessary work or services to us.

20. Device and Network Usage

We do not guarantee that the Services will function on any particular hardware or devices. The Services rely on the user’s device and its network access and may be subject to limitations and delays inherent in the use of devices and electronic communications.

21. Unfair Terms to be Read Down

21.1. If any law making unfair contract terms void could apply to a term in these terms, the rules in this clause 21 apply to interpreting that term.

21.2. If the law would make the term void because the term permits us to exercise a right or discretion in a way that would cause detriment to you, the term shall be read down and construed to the extent as not to permit us to exercise the right or discretion in such a way.

21.3. If the law would make the term void because it authorised us to recover costs or losses or damages to be calculated in a way we chose, the term shall be read down and construed as authorising us to recover the maximum reasonable costs, losses and damages to be calculated in a reasonable way that did not cause the term to be void.

21.4. If, despite the application of this clause, the law would make the term void, the term is to be read down and construed as if it were varied, to the minimum extent necessary, so that the term is not void. These reading down rules apply before any other reading down or severance provision in these terms and conditions.

22. Definitions

22.1. The following terms have the following meanings:

(a) Agreement or terms means these terms of business, unless the context otherwise requires.

(b) Australian Consumer Law means the Australian Consumer Law described in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

(c) Expenses means any fees or charges payable by us to a third party on your behalf that arise in connection with the Services.

(d) Fees means the amount payable for the Services, as described in a Quote.

(e) Hourly Rates means the rates chargeable by us per hour for the Services, as specified in a Quote.

(f) Order means any request for the provision of Services by you that has been accepted by us, or the acceptance by you of a Quote.

(g) Intellectual Property Rights includes, but are not limited to copyrighted material, registered and unregistered trademarks, artistic works, photographs, images and other graphic designs, know-how, trade secrets, data, analysis, business information.

(h) Loss means any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, or expenses (including legal costs and expenses).

(i) Minimum Term means the Minimum Term as specified in the Quote.

(j) Ongoing Services means the provision of services on an ongoing basis and charged, as described in a Quote.

(k) Personnel means a party’s employees, secondees, directors, officers, contractors, professional advisors and agents.

(l) Quote means a written quote or proposal or any other document provided to you by us which specifies the Services that we will provide and the Fees you will pay for the provision of those Services.

(m) Referred Client means every non-current client that you refer to us and who mentions you as a referrer.

(n) Services means the items, deliverables and/or services provided, or to be provided, by us to you as identified in a Quote.

(o) Third Party Charges means any payment to be made directly by you to a third party in connection with the Services, e.g. advertising charges.

23.2. All other defined terms are as defined in the body of this agreement.

23.3. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing any gender include all genders and words importing a person include firm, corporation or other entity where appropriate.