
Why HubSpot CRM Is the King

Author Geri Meliva
Read time 3 min

Businesses strive to thrive in the digital era where most shoppers buy online. However, defining and capturing their target market can be a particularly challenging task for new marketers. Even veterans can have difficulty recapturing customers. Indeed, marketers of all kinds are looking for new ways to increase their company’s digital presence to stay relevant among current and potential online clients.

There’s a plethora of inbound software available today, all of which claim to boost business strategies. And some of these platforms are amazing, but there’s a reason HubSpot is the name that keeps popping up.

We’re not even halfway through the year, yet HubSpot has already received a flurry of awards. HubSpot ranked #1 CRM in 2022 by VentureBeat, the #1 product in TrustRadius’ Ten Most Loved Products of 2022 and the #2 Best Global Seller in 2022 by G2 for the second year in a row. 


HubSpot is not known as the “King of Inbound Marketing” for nothing. And there are exceptional proofs for these accolades.

HubSpot, in Brief

HubSpot was founded in 2005. Its software helps businesses market and sell more effectively. As a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, it’s designed to foster sales acceleration, boost ROI and improve inbound marketing to generate more qualified leads. Moreover, it helps companies connect their sales and marketing teams.

HubSpot achieves all this by merging several features and enabling the teams to manage everything in one place. Over the years, these tools and functions amalgamated into the HubSpot software. 

HubSpot includes tools for creating content, automating workflows, generating leads, managing social channels, mapping sales funnels, tracking performances, CRM and more. Any marketer can use HubSpot's solutions to cultivate quality leads until they're ready to be sold. And as soon as a lead is ready to convert, the sales team is promptly notified. 

With HubSpot, companies can nurture their prospects through a seamless buyer's journey.

A Sum of All Things

Over the years, HubSpot CRM has evolved and become more sophisticated. The platform is now available for other departments like sales and customer service. One of the best aspects of HubSpot's CRM is that it’s entirely free.

HubSpot's primary goal is to help businesses increase revenue and grow more efficiently. HubSpot has several resources to help with this, including four key Hubs:

CMS (Content Management System) Hub

HubSpot’s CMS Hub enables marketers to create, customise and optimise website pages. Its features include drag-and-drop editing and pre-built themes for websites. CMS Hub also allows you to scale your website as your business grows. We specialise in creating award-winning websites on the HubSpot CMS, check out our case studies.

Marketing Hub

HubSpot’s Marketing Hub helps businesses increase website traffic and lead generation. It provides great tools like metric tracking and reporting for all critical data. Additionally, it allows easy content generation for the company website, blog, email and social media channels. It also integrates perfectly with the HubSpot CRM.

Sales Hub

HubSpot’s Sales Hub keeps track of leads' activities. The platform tells which prospects visit the website, which pages they view and how often they visit the site. Sales Hub also notifies the team when a lead opens an email. This system enables you to target leads with high-quality content and resources to convert them into customers.

Service Hub

HubSpot’s Service Hub provides a comprehensive set of tools for detecting and handling customers’ issues. It allows you to offer the best solutions in the shortest possible time.

The Goods Keep Coming…


HubSpot has more than 135,000 clients in over 120 countries that use some or all of their tools and services. Using HubSpot offers a ton of benefits, which include the following:

All-in-one platform

HubSpot provides marketing, sales and customer service tools all in one place.

Seamless sales and marketing alignment

Thanks to HubSpot CRM, marketing and sales teams have extensive tools on hand to enable closed-loop reporting from prospective buyers to paying customers.

Intuitive UI and UX

The platform combines simplicity with powerful features to offer an experience that appeals to new and existing users.

Effortless integration

HubSpot works with over 70 integration partners like Shopify and Slack to deliver a seamless user experience.

On the house

The HubSpot CRM is free to use for any business, making it among the most effective tools for marketing.

Various avenues for growth

HubSpot's commitment to continual learning is demonstrated via HubSpot Academy, which offers online courses, software training, certifications and projects. HubSpot also hosts a yearly event that features academic workshops led by world-class experts.

Huge support group

There are over 150 HubSpot User Groups (HUGs) worldwide. This means that wherever your company is based, communities can provide assistance and support. HUGs also allow HubSpotters to meet and learn from one another about the best inbound marketing practices.

Take the Leap Now

HubSpot ranked #1 CRM for marketers. It will be a disservice to your company if you don't use and maximise its potential. With the HubSpot CRM, you have broader access to marketing, sales and customer service tools, translating into more business opportunities. ThirtyFour Creative is here to help you navigate the HubSpot universe. Contact us right away for a free HubSpot demo.



Author Geri Meliva